User Guide

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Discover Canadian sports content with Sports Aggregator

Sports Aggregator is an online service that simplifies the process of finding current news and other quality content about your favourite team. We built a massive team-focused web crawler and curation engine to discover and evaluate content from hundreds of sources.

Sports Aggregator Across Canada

We haves sites in every major sports market in Canada including Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, and Winnipeg.

Our Goals

Make sports content easy to find

Promote local journalism

Promote content creators

We check 800+ sources and tens of thousands of links per day. Evaluate, sort and display this content in easy-to-use team-centric websites.

The Home page

The main list on the front page, AKA Our List, is designed to provide a good sense of what's currently going on with the team just by scrolling down a single page.

We really want the front page to be a good mix of local coverage (newspapers, Sportsnet/TSN, other beat-writers), columns, blog posts, rumours, reactions, and updates. In order to show you a good mix from a variety of sources (Sportsnet, Yahoo, ESPN etc.), and types of sources (newspapers, blogs, national media, podcasts etc.), while providing a one-page snapshot, we limit/filter certain content on the home page only.

For more information see our Help article Home Page & Curation.

Our Links / Content

Clicking any item title (ie. the title of an article or clip) on any Sports Aggregator page takes you directly to the original article/blog post/clip etc.

Click categories, sources, authors, or shows to see more from each.


On the right-hand side of each item, you see a visibility with a number. This number represents the total number of verifiable clicks/views for an item directly from our site.


Items that are new and popular are noted with a whatshot_legacy. Trending items are simply popular items weighted by recency.

Click Trending in the main menu or footer to see all the currently trending content.

Date & Time

Dates shown with content refer to when the content was published at its source. When you scroll down a page, be it the main list, or an author or category page, content is displayed in reverse-chronological order, just as it is at the originating site.


All navigation can be found in one easy-to-use menu. Click the menu button menu in the top left corner of any page. Drill down expand_more on main categories in the left-hand column to find specific sources.

Find trending, topics, standings, schedule, rankings, player pages, and more.

Want to know more?

Visit out support section to learn more about Sports Aggregator!

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